The Challenge

Aged 18 with 3 months away from education, responsibilities and plans, perfect time to have a once in a life time trip for an amazing cause in an amazing place. From no experience to attempting to complete a huge physical challenge in the hope to raise awareness and money, but also to inspire.

I am going to cycle the length of the west coast of America unsupported carrying all the equipment and survival gear I will need. I will be totally self supported, camping where I need to, carrying water and food to insure that I can continue pedalling on. I will do this within 3 months, starting at the Canadian boarder and travelling to the boarder at Mexico.

I will be completing this challenge in support of Cancer Research UK. A charity that is the world's largest independent cancer research charity that conducts research into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the disease. I personally have had family and friends have cancer but I hope to do this not just for me, but for everyone else who has been affected by the disease.

I hope my trip raises money and awareness for the charity as well as being an amazing experince for me which I hope to share with as many people as I can. This will take many hours of hard work and planning but it should be all worth it at the end. Amazing memories and money to help others.

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